Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Give it to me!

  • I love Alexa Chung's style, So when I saw a picture of her wearing this gorgeous pink Luella Bartley dress, I had to have it. Well, I knew I couldn't afford it but that didn't stop be from searching the Internet for said dress. I never found the dress or even any thing close to it :(. But something told me that one day the site would recreate it. So today when I went to check Asos Just arrived section there it was, It does not say that it was inspired by Alexa Chung but it's quite obvious to me at least that it is. Well now that it's available to me I have to get it, now all I need is 97$ and some where to wear it. Well I do have prom this year but it's a little soon for that and It's a little to plain for prom, well the Asos version that is. What evah I'll scheme my way into getting it some how, I do have a sweet 16 in september that might be just the excuse to get it.

Monday, July 21, 2008

F!r3 !$l@ND

My Saturday was spent on FireIsland for my friend Sarah's 16th Birthday. Though She is in my grade shes a year younger then me and most of my friends so we like to joke on her,even my friends in the grade below are older then Sarah. The whole day was spent in the sun with great company it was so fun and I managed not to get any sun burn (I burn very easily) most of the folks who attended could not say the same.
here are a few photos from the day:
                                                                Sarah on the ferry ride there
O c e a n
                                                                           Sam and I                                             Me, Colleen, Sarah and Suzanna                                                                             Kat                                                              Me, Suzanna and Colleen                                                                            Suzanna
Colleen In my sunglasses taken by Cynthia 
Suzanna and Kat
                                                     Cynthia and The Sweet 16 girl Sarah
The photos of me are taken by my lovely friend Cynthia, thanks Cyn :D.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

I'm so happy right now because I just found out one of my favorite shows is coming back on the air.I love love love Unsolved Mysteries! It was the shit, as a child that would be all I'd watch. It was on lifetime as much as it scared me, I loved every second of it. Along with the show Are you afraid of the dark it had one of the scariest theme songs,  just the song it's self can scare the crap out of someone. Well it's going to be on Spike tv this fall with a new host [Robert Stack is dead :( It's not gonna be the same with out him though]. Well even with the new host and channel I'm sure it will be great. I was upset when Lifetime stopped airing the show even If it was just repeats which I had already seen a dozen times it was still great, bah I miss it can't wait till the fall!!!!

Monday, July 14, 2008

I need to get my Excitement out!

Okay, well tommorow I'm going to Prospect park bandshell to see Spoon I'm so Excited I'm currently listening to a Spoon playlist and It's getting me so pumped. Another plus is that I'm going to see Alex tm. It's been over a week since shes been away doorming at Pratt so I miss her. I won't be able to take pictures at the concert :( since I don't know how safe it will be on my way home and I'm not risking getting my camera stolen it's worth too much to me/money.


This saturday was spent at my friend Melissa's house she had a barbaque to correspond with my towns fireworks, they were amazing by the way.Melissa Lives a block away from where they go off, so we had a great view.-Suzanna and Sarah camerawhoreing Melissas camera while she was inside haha                                                                                 Sarah-Melissa! and below theres a photo of Melissa's dog Coconut who I am in love with but can you blame me shes too cute!                                     Here are a few of my 50 or so photos of the Fireworks                                                                         Coco and I
I love dogs but sadly have never been able to have one :(
Suzanna,Melissa and Coco

Monday, July 7, 2008

It's time for some change!

I get bored easily that and I get cabin fever easily thats why my macbook is my bff. But none of this is the main point of this blog I also get bored with my looks I get jealous easily well not really jealous I get envious I like other peoples looks apposed to my own, though I'm not ugly (Don't worry I'm not cocky Either I just know I'm not hideous noO0 megga ego here believe me!!). I'm sure I'm not alone with this really, I can't be the only person. I get envious of peoples hair blahh and the point in saying this is I need to decide what I wanna do with my hair that is so dull and boring and like I said earlier I get bored easily so I need something that won't get boring so I don't get envyous of others again. I wan't hair that I can be confident in haveing ya know something that other people can be envious of ya get? I really want something new with my hair change in color and maybe a trim and new styling of the bangs would be nice maybe problem with this is I want for change buts I'm poor and I wanna make sure I choose right...So I'm gonna post a couple of ideas and maybe some one nice will comment and tell me what to choose cause I suck at decisions. I think I'm gonna make another like this post  for how I should spend my birthday money haha I'm really bad with decisions and decisions that have money involoved in them oh gawdd. 
Daisy Lowe
I really like her hair cut its similar to my hair now and my hairs about her length so I'm pretty sure it look good and that I'm gonna cut it like this but not sure about the color. Since It is summer and It's better to go lighter in summer... the thing is I know what I look like with dark hair because I dyed my hair from the box in january. It was like was called something like almost black, It was as close as you can get to black with out having black hair. It was nice, I got allot of random compliments on it and which is always good but who knows what everyone in highschool is really thinking the anooying thing about dye from the box is it dosnt last It faded over the months and is back to my original color now during those months I got allot did you dye your hair and I would be like nooo I did like three months ago and they be like ohhh It looks different but in a good way so yeahh awkward oh thanks... so ya never doing box again but I do like dark hair but also like light hair grrr decisions...
First off I love love love Mk Olsen and I remember watching all the Olsen's movies and T.v. shows and wanting their hair long story short I stil do!
I really like Mk hair color in these photos it's kinda of a golden redish carmel idk and my friend Alex thinks I'd look good with a color similar to this bah decisionssss.....
Lisa of  the blog lisaplace
I love her hair color but I'm not sure if It's a big enough change to keep me from getting bored since its only a few shades lighter then my hair now though I think It's probably a very good hair color for summer! bahh decisions............
This is Hannabeth shes a popular scene/altenative model shes the person who I've been modeling my hair after this past year I still like her hair and her hair color though I just have her hair cut not the color this last choice is just a should I not change a thing choice haha oh and blah I think her color is great but I don't know might be a little to dark for me...
w/e help me help me help me!!!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

long time no blogg

blahvbabshddugfgfyegf sorry I haven't blogged I don't know what was up with me I've just haven't had any inspiration or good photo's to share. Life has been sort of dull lately not that I mind it could be worse right??
So I spent last night with friends it was great! As you can probably tell It was super fun. I'm on the left then thats Alex in the middle and Sarah on the right.
It's my friend Alex's birthday today she is 17! She dyed her hair yesterday and It looks great I think you can see her old hair in the last post well she use to have brown hair. I like it change is always good. I'm really excited for her she's going away to take summer courses at Pratt for the next 3 weeks I'm gonna miss her tons!!!